Happy Valentine’s Day

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It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without a post.

Every month at work we have Payday Potluck. When we get paid(once a month), we all bring in food. It’s always a feast. This month we moved it up a few days to celebrate a birthday and Valentine’s Day as well. I wish I would have taken a picture of the spread. It was deluxe! We had fried chicken, french fries, fried okra, tamales, pizza, Indian rice, salad and Iowa Girl Eat’s brownie truffles.

I may have gone a little nuts. So I am focused on drinking a lot of water and getting in a really good workout tonight.

After my workout, I am going to use one of my Valentine’s Day presents from Brian. We usually don’t do much but he went overboard this year and completely surprised me. He got me a really amazing at home massager which is a life saver after my workouts. I love it because it has a really long handle, so I can use it on my back. Oh, and did I mention it’s heated? It’s auh-mazing. Then I’ll probably curl up with the  new book he got me. I’m one lucky girl.

I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day! And Happy Birthday to my awesome Dad!



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